Judge of character

Aug 21, 2024

One of the most important qualities a person can develop or refine is their ability to judge character. This skill is essential because we constantly interact with others, forming new relationships and connections. However, this ability often becomes flawed due to wrongful pattern recognition. While it’s natural to rely on past experiences to inform our judgments, this can lead to problems, especially when we encounter highly conscious and intelligent individuals who don’t fit the patterns we’ve established.

For example, if someone has had negative experiences with certain people, they might apply the same judgment to everyone they meet, including those who don’t deserve it. This can be particularly detrimental when dealing with highly intelligent individuals, as their tolerance for misjudgment is often lower. They may choose to remove themselves from the situation rather than argue, leaving before the other person even realizes their mistake.

It’s crucial to sharpen our social skills and judgment to recognize and appreciate the rare, high-quality individuals we encounter. Unfortunately, meeting such individuals is often rare, as they tend to avoid environments where they aren’t likely to find like-minded people. For instance, you wouldn’t expect to meet a highly-paid life coach in an everyday setting unless you live in a high-value, expensive neighborhood.

To improve our ability to judge character, we must actively engage with others, attend events, and take note of how people respond to us. The more we interact, the better our judgment becomes, especially when we pay attention to body language and facial expressions rather than just words. This skill also improves with diverse work experiences, regardless of age or financial situation.

Ultimately, avoiding challenges and interactions only weakens our ability to judge character. The goal is to refine this skill to avoid losing valuable, highly conscious individuals from our lives.

It’s essential to recognize that we attract people who resonate with who we are rather than what we’re actively seeking. The saying “birds of a feather flock together” holds true, as like-minded individuals naturally gravitate toward each other. This means that if you’re looking for specific qualities in others, such as a “good girl” or a “good guy,” you must first embody those qualities yourself.

Our vibration, or the energy we project, is based on our own character and values. We don’t get what we desire merely by wanting it; we get what we are. For example, if someone is messy or disorganized but desires a partner who is neat and tidy, they must first work on themselves to become more orderly. This self-improvement is key to attracting the type of person they seek, as like attract like.

People who understand the importance of maintaining a high-quality life often do things they may not enjoy, such as cleaning or organizing, because they know it contributes to their overall well-being. This discipline and attention to detail become part of their judgment and character.

To attract and retain people of high character, it’s crucial to develop and refine your own judgment and qualities. Those who have sharpened their social skills and possess a strong sense of self-respect will naturally be drawn to others who share the same values. Nobody wants to be around someone who is the complete opposite of what they value in themselves, especially when it comes to cleanliness, fitness, or personal responsibility.

Ultimately, to connect with individuals who are well-rounded and possess a strong judge of character, you must first cultivate these traits within yourself. By doing so, you’ll not only attract like-minded people but also create lasting, meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and shared values.

If you’re interested in exploring this subject further, consider joining MJ’s upcoming events, where these topics will be discussed in detail.

We welcome your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below. For one-on-one coaching, feel free to contact Milad Emjay.

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Milad Emjay

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