Poor customer service

Customer service is arguably the most important frontline of any company. It’s even more crucial than the brand, advertising, or the product itself. Here’s the problem with customer service: if you’ve been a customer, you’ve probably noticed a recurring pattern of the same behavior across different companies. Now, think about this: if you have a … Read more

Being used

This article specifically addresses the feeling of being used. The question often arises: Why am I being used? What have I done to deserve this? How can I be good to people, and yet they mistreat me? One important thing to realize in life is the mindset of people who behave this way. Just because … Read more

Best reaction is no reaction

Sometimes, the best reaction is no reaction. This might sound confusing, especially if you’ve never heard it before, but it’s true. When people insult you or try to provoke you, they’re often looking for a reaction. If you show them no reaction, you come out on top, especially when it comes to your life, your … Read more

Two brothers

Two brothers, raised in the same family, environment, city, and country, can still end up with vastly different outcomes in life. One might become highly successful, while the other remains a low achiever. This divergence raises the question: what causes such differences when they share the same background? One factor could be the way each … Read more

Embracing Failure

Failure is often seen as one of the most undesirable aspects of life. We’ve heard countless motivational speakers and self-help gurus advise us to embrace failure, saying things like, “I succeeded because I failed.” Yet, the conversation often stops there, leaving us with little understanding of what failure truly means and how to harness it … Read more

Being dislike

If you’re trying to be liked by everyone, it means you don’t have a strong personality or clear values to stand by. Basically, you’re changing who you are based on who you meet. As men, when your value goes up, you won’t want to deal with a lot of nonsense, and when you stop putting … Read more


HR management is crucial in any company. HR professionals are responsible for bringing the right candidates in and filtering out the wrong ones. If a company has a weak HR team, it will likely suffer from poor results. HR is the most important frontline staff in any organization, regardless of the position or company.CEO and … Read more

Above just an employee

Whatever you practice in your work becomes a part of you. If you only do enough to avoid getting fired, that minimal effort becomes ingrained in your habits. It’s important to learn as much as possible, regardless of how mediocre you think your job might be. Often, when you ask employees in a store or … Read more

Tell the truth

Speaking the truth can be challenging, depending on where you live. If you’re constantly trying to say things that sound good while walking on eggshells, this approach will eventually backfire. Remember, in five years, no one will remember you, and you won’t make a significant impact on the world. What will matter is whether you … Read more

Your sense of fashion

There are many different areas you can work on, but remember if you have to explain something about yourself that isn’t fitting, then you’re doing something wrong. Let’s focus on something that highlights your good qualities. Your sense of fashion is very important. However, before we discuss fashion, I want to clarify that this is … Read more